Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Temple :)

I feel that the happiest place to be on this earth is the temple. I want to let my readers now that I am a devout Latter Day Saint and member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  With this faith comes a love of God and what better place to feel His love then in His house. I am lucky enough to be going to school just ten miles form the beautiful Manti Temple. At home it is a good hour and a half to the nearest temple.
It is such a blessing to have this temple so close. On days when I am struggling or my homework has piled up I can put on my Sunday best and drive minutes to the most beuatigul building in the area.

To me this temple looks like a castle and it serves as  a reminder that I am a Daughter of God and a Princess. In a world that looks down on individual worth and that objectionalizes women it is so great to belong to a faith that believes in women and the impacts the have on the lives around them.

The Happy Thought for the day is the Temple. The house of God. The place we go to do work for those who cant and the place we get to go to be sealed for time and all eternity to our eternal families. I am so grateful to My Heavenly Father that he has provide such places for us on the earth. places where we can grow and learn of him. places we can feel his spirit and preform work vital to our exaltation. My dear friends I urge you to keep the temple as your focus in life. and even if you are on the path to enter or you have gained that privilege I urge you to go to the temple often. Even if its just to the grounds you can feel the Holy Spirit and God's love.
Love Nona

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